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I. Primary route of entry of lead into the body is ingestion:


A. Lead can enter the body through normal hand-to-mouth activities.


B. Small amounts of lead left on hands or clothing can impact blood lead levels.


C. Lead-contaminated soil can be transferred to the interior of dwelling (by pets, shoes, clothing).


II. Preventive measures:


A. Avoid dust-generating activities.


B. Dampen soil to minimize dust generation.


C. Keep children and pets away from area where work is being done.


D. Wear leather or comparable work gloves to minimize hand contamination.


E. Do not smoke or eat while in work area.


F. Wash face and hands before smoking or eating.


G. Remove shoes/boots before entering a dwelling to limit contaminated soil transfer.


H. Wash work clothing separately from other clothing.


-- Edited from EMPACT, Lead-Safe Yards, Section 7.6: “Health and Safety for Landscapers.” pg. 96

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